Crypto Resources

You won't forgive yourself for not learning to thrive

Find different resources & topics: Crypto, Plan-B (escape plans), Privacy Tools, Health Investments, EMF Protection, Gold & Silver, and MORE! This page is constantly updated, bookmark it and check back from time to time!

The 2 Most Private Cryptos in the World

F##k Bitcoin, these 2 will be worth MUCH more moving forward

I do not make any secret of my 2 favourite coins, and as this is no lamestream financial advice, you won´t hear me say Bitcoin and Ethereum like most others do. I get my info from real professionals who have seen through the problems with Bitcoin, and most other cryptos. They are NOT private at ALL... What do you think will happen when then masses understand this? They will trade all their bitcoin and other "surveilance coins" for these 2 GREAT coins... What do you think that will lead to when it comes to the value of them?

Learn how you buy both these coins on this page

Bitcoin Mousetrap

Monero is my favourite crypto, it is both faster and cheaper (waaay less fees) than Bitcoin... and... more importantly completely private. There are not many places where you can buy Monero directly with fiat money but this is the best place I can recommend for doing just that!

Register on this page

LocalMonero Logo

Get yourself a new ATM card that do NOT involve banks, pay with it (anonymously) anywhere in the world without fees + cashback when you use your card! You can apply for your card after you have registred on the app where you can also purchace crypto instantly and also trade.

F##k the banks! and Viva la revolution!

Register on this page (Bonus code: gm82s6uy5v gets you $25 worth of free Bitcoin) Cards

Another platform where you can get yourself a ATM card that you can use without any banks involved. The card can be used everywhere mastercard is accepted. You also got cashback features, you earn interest by staking different cryptos, and much more you might want to take advantage of on this trading platform where you can buy crypto instantly!

Register on this page (20% off on trading fees)


The first bitcoin trading platform to trade between crypto and physical gold. Your investments are fully insured on this platform, and that is a big + also of course.

Register on this page (Get 0,5 gram of physical gold for free after you have traded for $100)

Vaultoro Logo

Allow you to buy Bitcoin with cash or with any other method you prefer, perfect for you if you want to be as anonymous as humanly possible!

Register on this page

Bitcoin Rips Money

One of the few places where you can buy Bitcoin without having to show your id, at least up to $1,000 after that you might have to show id to continue to purrchase. Good auto-buy functions and also cashback (in Bitcoin) from many different online stores. Worth signing up to!

Sign up on their website (Get £10 after you have purchaced Bitcoin for £100)

CoinCorner Logo

Another way to buy Bitcoin anonymously without having to show your id, the only thing you need is a phone nr to be able to use the service.

Register on this page

BitQuick Logo

The place that offers you the most payment options, for example you can purchace Bitcoin with Paypal here, or any other payment method you can think of basically.

Use this platform to either sell or buy Bitcoin.

Sign up and get started on this page

Paxful Logo


This is one of the few SAFE ways to do it that I have found, in a jungle of shady (and VERY expensive alternatives). Simple step-by-step instructions get you up and running today if you are interested in trying this!

Step 1: Get yourself a FREE account on the Binance exchange

Step 2: Get yourself a 1-month FREE trial at Cryptohopper (simply follow step-by-step instructions)

P.S. Even if this can be a great way to earn Bitcoin passively (especially easy during a bull market) there are no guarantees here, so please try it for free first to see if it is something you find value from.

Trading Bulls

This is not for everyone, but if you are good at playing online poker you might want to play here. It is completely anonymously and offers you the full poker experience whatever game type you prefer.

P.S. - If you learn poker it can actually be a great income source, keyword when you play online is PATIENCE. However, please play responssible and do NOT play with more money than you can afford to lose.

Register your free account here

Betcoin Poker Logo

Offline Wallets

Your keys, your coins!

It's only when you hold your keys - or mnemonic seeds - that you're the real owner of your crypto assets. These hardware (or "cold") wallets will keep your assets safe with you.

Ledger Nano

Offline Wallet

The most well-known and trusted off-line wallet (cold storage) and also the one I personally use. Rule of thumb, keep any amount of Bitcoin that would be painful to lose on a cold storage (off-line) wallet to be safe from any hacker attack!

Order your Ledger Nano on this page (Ledger Official Website)

P.S. - Order ONLY from the official website, even if you find “cheaper ones” on other places, those might NOT be safe.

Ledger Nano


Offline Wallet

Together with the Ledger above Trezor is the most well-known and commonly used off-line wallet. I recently ordered myself a Trezor (the T model) as my favourite coin Monero is only supported by Ledger X, so why not have 2 different wallets, right?

Order your Trezor on this page (Trezor Official Website)

P.S. - Order ONLY from the official website, even if you find “cheaper ones” on other places, those might NOT be safe.


NoHype Crypto

Because you should be prepared for what's about to come

You’re about to discover how to be free from their control, so they’ll never be able to tie your hands behind your back. No one will but you can decide what you can and can’t do.

Ready to Fight The Great Reset?

Break Free from the Rigged Financial System...

Want to say NO to the New World Order… reject the Universal Basic Income… and help build a fair financial system where everyone wins?

Learn to become a Financial Freedom Fighter and outsmart the elites’ plan for your enslavement! Break free from the rigged financial system…

If you are interested then you might want to check out this page

Dali holding Bitcoin

Anonymous Resources

+ Ways to earn Free Bitcoin

Whenever you step outside your state owned home, Big Brother’s is watching your every move. Thanks to AI technology, your identity is known wherever you go.

Allow you to surf the web without getting tracked and spyed on by the government and others + You even earn their own cryptocurrency (BAT) only by surfing! ( P.S. you can exchange BAT for Bitcoin or any other crypto, or even Usd if you want.)

Download the Brave browser on this page

P.S. For ultimate privacy it is recommended that you use Brave together with Duckduckgo instead of corrupt & censored Google.

Brave Browser Logo

Another way to earn crypto simply by doing what you do online anyway. You earn only by watching videos, follow, share and like content. If you are a content creator yourself there are even more and greater earning possibilities here.

Register on this page

Lbry Content

Need a website, domain, hosting, or maybe a VPN? Orange offer you a ultra secure hosting service, sign up anonymously, modern freedom of speech legislation.

Get started on this page


Secure Instant Messaging

And Voice and Video Communications

Nowadays and on the days to come you'll need to find the best ways to be able to communicate, avoiding all the risks of mass surveillance that's being imposed.

Tox (recommended)
Keybase (recommended)
linphone (less secure, for everyday life)
Collection of info & tools (LOT to look at here)
Learn more about privacy
Secure Instant Messaging

EM Protection + Elevation

Invest in your own & your loved ones

Here you can find relevant links to resources about protecting yourself from Electromagnectic Hazard and others to your Spiritual Growth.


5G protection Silver Clothes

This is something You might want to look into if you live in a city or in an area with high radiation. The fact that you combine a silver investment with an investment in your health is a nice bonus as well. Informative website + a community you can join for free to connect with like minded.

Visit NoChoice website here  (Use code: NOHYPE for a small discount)
NoChoice Silver Clothing


#1 Recommended Home Protection Solution

This device does NOT ONLY Protect you against 5G and EMF waves but it also, structure water to maximum bioavailability, support spiritual growth + other health benefits (you might be surprised).

P.S. Do you meditate? If yes you will love this lamp/device, if not… you will love it as well ;o)These devices are not only stylish but currently got a 99% customer satisfaction rate. You are also protected with a 60-day money back guarantee if you for some reason aren’t happy with their products.
Visit the Somavedic website  (Use code: NOHYPE for a 10% discount)
* You can use the code on every order you make, and on bith the .us site aswell as the .eu site

This shop offer different items you can use to protect yourself against EMF and improve overall health in general. The site provides alot of studies and scientifical studies on their items. All items comes with a 30-day money back guarantee as well.

Iyashi Source

Next time you paint a room in your house do NOT buy “normal paint” instead, I would strongly suggest that you use EMF and 5g protection paint. This company ships worldwide and have been proven to block 99.9% of incoming frequencies in lab tests, the tests where made from 100 MHz – 40GHz… They only offer the color carbon black for the moment.

Visit the Shielding Solution website (use code: “NOHYPE 10” for a 10% discount)
Shielding Solution

Mixed Resources

Other links that might be useful

Find different various resources that may help you to move on this strange new world order. From self-development to transportation, and many other ways to freedom.

Do you struggle to wake family, friends and loved ones up? This is one of the worse feelings, trust me I know. Whatever you say or whatever proof you present to them… it doesn´t matter, you just can´t reach them… That is because they are psycologically programed… The only way you can wake such a person up is by using psycology yourself… and this course by Larken Rose and his wife is ALL about that!

Candles in the Dark

Are you surrounded by zombies in a country that is taking away your freedoms one by one? Do you have a plan B? If you want to relocate to another country there are better alternatives. Also, it don´t have to be that expensive, in some instances your investment in real estate (that you either live in yourself or rent out) and/or land might actually end up paying for itself!

ECI Development

==> Nicaragua (Not much convid-1984 hysteria)

==> El Salvador (Crypto investors paradise)

==> All other countries

I don´t know about you, but I will most likely never fly commercial again… Unless I can find a way to avoid the stupid 1984 rules and procedures, yeah you know what I mean. Private Jets might be to expensive for most, however, this particular company allow you to shared flights on a private jet with others, that way the costs can be significantly lower.

This is a GREAT function as it can actually allow more people other than the super wealthy to travel this way, use the search function for shared flights and you might be surprised on how low the price can actually get, especially if more people show interest to share that particular flight…

Villiers Jets

The best place I know of where you can buy and even store your physical silver!

No taxes! No reporting requirements! Cash allowed! Accepts payment in Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin and a few other cryptos!


Learn more & sign up here (10 Grams FREE silver on signup through this link)

Did you know that you can legally opt-out of paying tax?! Yes, that is actually true, There’s No Law Requiring (Most Americans) To File Or Pay Federal Income Tax!

So, if you Want To Opt Out Of The System, Legally? Well, then you might want to check out the services / packages offered by Freedom Law School!

Freedom Law School

Learn more on their website (Use code NOHYPE10 for 10% off on ANY service they offer)

Invest in solar energy projects and earn passive incom for 20 years. This investment is perfect if you want to combine doing something good for both nature and other humans while you in the same time earn money by doing so.

Win-win situation!

Learn more on their website

The Sun Exchange


Health Supplements

I do not only like this company because the people behind it are completely awake to what is really going on in the world, or because they get banned from censored lamestream platforms like Instagram all the time for speaking out against the 1%. I mean those things make me like them more, but their health supplemt products are great and every time I have ordered products from them I get more than happy with what I get!


More Resources

New Resources are comming soon!

This page will be updated with new resources as we move, make sure to check back once in a while. Hope it helps and that you found interesting and useful resources!

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No Hype Invest on Bitchute

No Hype Invest on LBRY

No Hype Invest on MeWe

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No Hype Invest on Telegram (GREAT place to connect with like-minded people to chat)
